• وبلاگ : پاي سيب
  • يادداشت : Cellular automaton
  • نظرات : 0 خصوصي ، 82 عمومي

  • نام:
    متن پيام :
    حداکثر 2000 حرف
    كد امنيتي:
    + اميرحسين 
    Chapter 7: awk Revisited
    Getting Starting with awk
    Predefined variables of awk
    Doing arithmetic with awk
    User Defined variables in awk
    Use of printf statement
    Use of Format Specification Code
    if condition in awk
    Loops in awk
    Real life examples in awk
    awk miscellaneous
    sed - Quick Introduction
    Redirecting the output of sed command
    How to write sed s?
    More examples of sed
    Chapter 8: Examples of Shell s
    Logic Development:
    Shell to print given numbers sum of all digit
    Shell to print contains of file from given line number to next given number of lines
    Shell to say Good morning/Afternoon/Evening as you log in to system
    Shell to find whether entered year is Leap or not
    Sort the given five number in ascending order (use of array)
    Command line (args) handling:
    Adding 2 nos. suppiled as command line args
    Calculating average of given numbers on command line args
    Finding out biggest number from given three nos suppiled as command line args
    Shell to implement getopts statement.
    Basic math Calculator (case statement)
    Loops using while & for loop:
    Print nos. as 5,4,3,2,1 using while loop
    Printing the patterns using for loop.
    Arithmetic in shell ing:
    Performing real number calculation in shell
    Converting decimal number to hexadecimal number
    Calculating factorial of given number
    File handling:
    Shell to determine whether given file exist or not.
    Screen handling/echo command with escape sequence code:
    Shell to print "Hello World" message, in Bold, Blink effect, and in different colors like red, brown etc.
    Background process implementation:
    Digital clock using shell
    User interface and Functions in shell :
    Shell to implements menu based system.
    System Administration:
    Getting more information about your working environment through shell
    Shell to gathered useful system information such as CPU, disks, Ram and your environment etc.
    Shell to add DNS Entery to BIND Database with default Nameservers, Mail Servers (MX) and host
    Integrating awk with shell :
    to convert file names from UPPERCASE to lowercase file names or vice versa.