پای سیب
Scarce : rare , hard to get Annual : once a year , something that appears yearly or last for a year Persuade : make willing , win over to do believe Essential : necessary , very important Blend : mix together thoroughly , a mixture Visible: able to be seen Expensive : costly , high-priced Talent : natural ability Devise : think out , plan , invent Wholesale : in large quantity , less than retail in price
Vapor : moisture in the air that can be seen , fog , mist Eliminate : get rid of , omit Villain :a very wicked person Dense : thick , closely packed together Utilize : make use of Humid : moist , damp Descend : go or come down from a higher place to a lower place Circulate : go around , go from place to place Enormous : huge , extremely large Predict : tell beforehand Vanish : disappear suddenly
Design By : P I C H A K . N E T |