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Whether you`re counting your change, lending money to a friend, or checking out the price tag on a shirt at the store, it`s important to know how to read and write money amounts.

Let`s take a look at this dollar and cents amount: $5.73.
The first symbol we see, $, is the dollar sign. This tells us that the number we are looking at is an amount of money.

The point in the middle of the number is the decimal point. The number of dollars comes before the decimal point, and the number of cents comes after the decimal point.

To read dollar amounts, we say the number of dollars, "and" for the decimal point, and then the number of cents. So $5.73 would be read as 5 dollars and 73 cents.

Now let`s practice. How would you read the dollar amount $7.19? You would say 7 dollars and 19 cents.

What if you have to write a dollar amount? First, write a dollar sign. Then write the number of dollars, followed by a decimal point. Finally, write the number of cents. You`re done! For instance, 11 dollars and 6 cents would be written as $11.06.

به نقل از : http://www.mathmastery.com/math/addition/Addition-with-Dollars-and-Cents/Reading-Money-Amounts


Here are five phrasal verbs we use to talk about spending money.

cough up

To pay for something or to send money on something especially when you don"t want to.

"She"s just coughed up £40 for a speeding fine."

splash out

To spend a lot of money on something that you like but don"t really need. You spend more than you need to on something enjoyable.

"For our anniversary we splashed out £500 going to Paris for the weekend."

shell out

To pay or give money for something, usually when you don"t want to. Has the same meaning as cough up.

"I"m going to have to shell out £50 getting my TV fixed."

ante up

This is a formal phrasal verb which has the same meaning as cough up and shell out (informal). It means to unwillingly pay for something.

"The company has decided to ante up a large donation to charity."

fritter away

To foolishly waste money. It can also be used to mean waste time.

"I often fritter away my salary on things I don"t need. I"m terrible with money."

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